In a society where we see so much crime, it takes a community coming together to bring the guilty to justice. I know just the person who has the platform and a vehicle to communicate with the community to help us do that. The customer I designed this logo for is reentering a market that he has participated in before, but instead of participating in a franchise he has asked me to help develop his own brand concept of a mug shot newspaper. We are also developing a website where a digital version of the paper can also be purchased.
- Font Selections
- Logo Presentation
Logo Final
Leave behind postcard to introduce potential vendors to the product.
- Postcard front
- Postcard back
We have yet to create a prototype or introductory issue. A mock cover has been developed for promotional purposes.
Although some work has been done on the website, it is not live. A Preview of the website store and store graphics can be seen here. Business aspects of this venture have stalled. The store page has been set up to download pdfs of each edition as it is published.