Spirit Trail Map Reproduce

In the 2019 edition of The Kentucky Travel Guide, the Bourbon and Wine Trail Map spans the gutter of the publication and is hard to see the contents.

The index for the map is on the inside back cover of the publication.


In the 2020 publication I was able to split the maps into 2 separate categories and orient them so they did not cross the gutter of the book and makes the numbers easier to find and follow.

Portfolio Categories:

Kentucky Travel Guide Magazine 

Dining Guide Illustration
Portfolio Categories:

Illustration Magazine 

Exclusively Your Fashion Spread

In the days of keyline and pasteboard production, I did tissue comps of designs which then were interpreted by a person who did typesetting galleys. They were not always as I have envisioned the type, but this was before desktop publishing so you could not see it on screen before the galley was photographically developed.

Our magazine did not have a budget for a staff photographer or models. We relied heavily on marketing materials provided by advertisers that might be preprinted samples. This added a creative challenge to bring something fresh to a layout when there was no control over the orientation of the images provided.


Design Challenge: This article is a two page spread where one page fell on a 4 color printed form and one on a black & white printed form. I had to come up with a design that made sense and appeared cohesive, so I used a border to unify the pages and the photos provided. I was able to show the contrast bewtween the past (black & white) and the present (full color).

The design challenge here was that the spread landed in the magazine where one page was printed on a B&W signature and one was printed on a color signature.


Portfolio Categories:

Magazine Print 

Wisconsin Country Life Magazine

Art Direction of Covers

Colors and handmade paper backgrounds selected to compliment original artwork featured on cover.

Portfolio Categories:


Journal Communications

Publication Ad Design 1994-96


Journal Communications Advertorial Design 1994-96


Portfolio Categories:

Ad Design/Advertorials Graphic Design Magazine