My portfolio of work is organized into categories of media/medium as well as types of positions held in the design/marketing/advertising industry.
In my professional career of 20+ years, I have been on the design side of the industry as well and the production side. Encompassing everything from trafficking, concepting, designing, managing and producing jobs. I have worn many hats in the communications industry starting in the keyline and paste-up mechanical days and continue to pursue the current trends in marketing communication and advertising. I take a practical approach from a cost standpoint as well as effectiveness in the marketplace standpoint. Results for the customer, while being budget conscious are my objectives.
email marketing | desktop publishing | mobile app design | production management | photography | print | social media | traffic manager | web
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NOTE: When viewing portfolio samples that were done before computer generated design was commonplace, concept proposals were generated by means of marker or colored pencil renderings. They may contain custom press-on transfers or had type generated at a typesetter where WYSIWIG was not available and modifications were time-consuming and costly. I have included them here to show some design problem solving skills.